

Last night I dreamt I was on a bridge, wearing a new beige suit. I'm not usually a suit type of guy (though I often have to wear one), and certainly not beige, but in the dream I loved it. I thought to myself 'I must get another one, the same colour, for when this ones in the wash' I was walking up a hill, In Cork, not sure what happened to the bridge but then I was back on it, and had to tiptoe through this dark room as there was sick on the floor. That was when I slipped and landed on my front, in the sick. Yeah; it was ruined. I was devastated. But then some dwarf fella squirted me with a special hose that got rid of it completely. Then Paul Robinson from neighbours (haven't watched it for twenty years by the way) bought me a pair of shiny blue trainers (absolute bad boys) for Christmas, and I remember thinking 'I wonder if these will go with the suit?' ahem..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahem you haven't watched Neighbours for 20 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!I liked the way you put that in

At least your long suffering girlfriend aka moi admits to watching it, you always have a sneaky look when it's on admit ot Paul Robinson rocks!!!

Jen xx