
Smokey Got Collared

Early this morning my cat Dram had another fight with Smokey. Smokey tries to get in the cat flap and Dram goes completely wild, gets him in a headlock, and screams the place down. By the time I arrive on the scene, there's fur floating in the air and Smokey's collars on the floor. This happened twice before. When I open the door the poor boy looks up at me as if to say 'I'm Smokey, no one's ever been this horrible to me in all my three lives'. Well Smokey; you got six left. Fortunately, Smokey's collars have those address barrels on them, I just hadn't had time to return them. I went this afternoon yet no one was in, so I posted them through the letter box. I wonder what Smokey's Dads' thinking..

PS Smokey's Dad, if you happen to read this; I hope we can all be friends..

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